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How many days are you open?We are open seven days a week from 10am to 6pm. Sundays included.
My apple has some weird clearish spots in the flesh. Is it okay to eat?Yes. This is called 'honey core' or 'water core' and happens when sugar begins pooling in the apple. It just means your apple will be super sweet! It's a very common trait in the Honeycrisp and Fuji apples.
Are your apples organic?Our apples are not organic, but we do maintain high safety standards for pesticide use. Our sprayers are certified by the State of Ohio and we follow all rules and regulations. We also adhere to an Integrated Pest Management Program which means we analyze the health of our orchard by carefully calculating the pests or diseases and gauge if the issue can be resolved with natural predators before any pesticide is used. The health and well being of our orchard and ecosystem is a top priority.
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